Example 1

Article05/08/20232 min read

Type: New Dataset

Department: Purchase

Learning Objectives

Workflow Template

The Workflow Template is a superior system created to structure and display business processes within the company. Individual tasks as well as group tasks are specified on the template to ensure full completion of tasks.

Reference Type

A Reference Type assists to define the possible charts and tables based on a Workflow.

To-Do Template

The tasks which have been mentioned above are defined on the To-Do Template, this means specific tasks are linked to specific employees or teams considering various conditions.

Manual Completion

If a task is a Manual Completion, the person responsible for the task must complete the task through one click by hand.

Document Storage

As soon as the Document needed is attached by the person who is responsible for, the task will be completed by default and the document will be stored.

Default Template

Once a Workflow is set as a Basic Template within a Reference Type, every regeneration of a new dataset of the same Reference Type will trigger the same Workflow.

Business Process “New Vendor”

The secretary has to make a new folder and create a new vendor for it furthermore, they need to attach the vendor contract. Once this has been done, the contract is controlled of the right Dimensions and Posting Groups by a member of the Financial Management Team.

Aptean Advanced Workflow Diagram

Aptean Advanced Workflow Setup

Reference Type

No.: 23 (Vendor)

Editing Page ID: 26 (Vendor Card)

Buffer Time on Function Call Server: 10 Seconds

Automatic Workflows: Yes

Keyword Definition Lines

Tick all Use Fields

Table ID: 23 (Vendor)

Keyword Definition Line 1

Field ID: 1 (No.)

Keyword Definition Line 2

Field ID: 2 (Name)

To-Do Templates

To-Do Template 1Reference Type No.: 23 (Vendor) Code: WF010-TD010 Description: Create Vendor Folder
WHOEmployee Code: AH
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: Workflow Duration Date Calculation: 1D
WHATType: Manual Completion
To-Do Template 2Reference Type No.: 23 (Vendor) Code: WF010-TD020 Description: Attach Vendor Contract
WHOEmployee Code: AH
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-Do Source Code: WF010-TD010 Duration Date Calculation: 1D
WHATType: Document Storage
To-Do Template 3Reference Type No.: 23 (Vendor)Code: WF010-TD030Description: Review Dimensions and Posting Group Setup
WHOTeam Code: Finance
WHYNo Activation
WHENSource Type: To-DoSource Code : WF010-TD020Duration Date Calculation: 1D
WHATType: Manual Completion

Workflow Template

Reference Type No: 23 (Vendor)

Code: WF010

Description: New Vendor

Use Condition: None (Default Template on Reference Type)

Workflow Line 1

Type: To-Do

Code: WF010-TD010

Workflow Line 2

Type: To-Do

Code: WF010-TD020

Workflow Line 3

Type: To-Do

Code: WF010-TD030

Reference Type

Default Template: WF010