Visibility of vendor attributes

Article08/08/20233 min read

A promoted Vendor Attribute is shown in the Vendors List for a quick overview of the Vendors and the attributes that are linked to it. It is possible to show a maximum of five Attributes on the Vendors List. The Vendor Attribute has to be set up to Promoted before it is shown on the Vendors List.

Set a vendor attribute to Promoted

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Vendor Attributes and then choose the related link.
    The Vendor Attributes list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select Edit List.
  3. Select the Promoted checkbox for the vendor attribute, e.g., “Product Classification”, which should be promoted.
    The selected attribute, e.g., “Product Classification”, is now promoted.

Visibility on the Vendors page

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Vendors and then choose the related link.
    The Vendors list page opens.

  2. For each vendor, view the promoted vendor attribute, for e.g., “Product Classification” appearing in a different column showing the related attribute values.


    Example: For a vendor “V0011 Green Material Corporation USA”, the attribute value ”Raw material” is shown under the promoted vendor attribute, ”Product Classification”. Similarly, you can view the promoted attributes with its values for the other attribute-linked vendors.

Filter on vendor attributes

Filter by Attributes ensures that only the Vendors with the filtered Attribute Values are shown in the Vendor List. If an Attribute is “Promoted”, the filtered Attribute and Values are also visible in the list. It is not possible to filter on Vendor Attributes using the general list-filter option. Instead, a specific “Filter by attributes” option is available on the action bar.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Vendors and then choose the related link.
    The Vendors list page opens.

  2. On the action bar, select More options > Related > Vendor > Filter by Attributes.
    The Filter Vendors by Attribute page opens.

  3. On the Attribute field, select a vendor attribute from the list, e.g., “Product Classification” based upon which the vendor list should be filtered.

  4. On the Value field, select a value from the vendor attribute values, e.g., “Raw material” based upon which the vendor list should be filtered.


  5. Click OK to apply the filter based on the selected vendor attributes.


    The filtered vendors are shown on the Vendors list page. Only those vendors with the specified vendor attributes in the filter are displayed.

Clear filter

On the Vendors list page, on the action bar, select More options > Related > Vendor > Clear Attributes Filter to clear the filter set based on the vendor attributes.

The filter criteria are removed and all the vendors are shown on the Vendors list page.