Visibility of lot attributes

Article06/21/20242 min read

When a lot number is assigned, you can select it in outgoing documents for item tracking. Lot attributes associated with the lot number are visible in various outgoing documents, providing additional information about the lot. There are several methods available to display these lot attributes.

Set lot attribute to Promoted

A promoted lot attribute is displayed on the Lot No. List page for a quick overview of the lots and the attributes that are linked to it. It is possible to show a maximum of five attributes on the Lot No. List page. The lot attribute must be configured as promoted before it is displayed on the Lot No. List page.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Lot attributes, and then choose the related link.
    The Lot Attributes list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select Edit List.
  3. Select the Promoted checkbox for the lot attribute, which should be promoted.

The selected attribute is now promoted.


You cannot set a promoted attribute as a global lot attribute.

Visibility of lot attributes in outgoing documents

The visibility of previously registered lot attributes is shown in different outgoing documents. The Lot No. List page can be opened via the following outgoing documents:

  • Sales orders
  • Warehouse shipments
  • Purchase return orders
  • Component lines
  • Transfer shipments

In this instruction, the visibility is shown via a sales order.

  1. Navigate to the Item Tracking Lines page from the Sales Order page.
  2. On the Lot No. field, select the AssistEdit button to open the Lot No. List page.
    The promoted attributes are shown on the Lot No. List page and all the lot attributes are shown in the FactBox pane.
  3. Select OK.

The lot attributes that are added to the lot number are shown in the FactBox pane also on the Item Tracking Lines page.

Visibility of lot attributes in inventory pick document

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Inventory picks, and then choose the related link.
    The Inventory Picks list page opens.

  2. Select the No. field for the required order.
    The Inventory Pick card page opens.

  3. On the Lines FastTab, select the AssistEdit button in the Lot No. field to open the Lot No. List page.


    If the Lot No. field is not visible in the lines, it is possible to add it by selecting Settings > Personalize.
    The promoted attributes are shown on the Lot No. List page and all the lot attributes are shown in the FactBox pane.