Visibility of global lot attributes in assembly documents

Article08/21/20245 min read

You can see the global lot attribute fields along the header and lines of the following documents: 

  • Assembly order 

  • Posted assembly order 

Create a new assembly order 

The following procedure enables you to view the global lot attribute fields in an assembly order: 

Ensure that you have defined the global lot attributes on the Advanced Attributes Setup page. For more information, see Set up Global Lot Attributes.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Assembly Orders, and then choose the related link.
    The Assembly Orders list page opens.  

  2. On the action bar, select New to create a new assembly order.
    The Assembly Order card page opens.  

  3. On the General FastTab, in the Item No. field, select the desired item.
    You can see the global lot attribute fields with their values for the output item on the Advanced Attribute group.  

  4. In the Quantity field, enter the required number. 

On the Lines FastTab, you can scroll to the right side of the lines to see the global lot attribute fields with their values for consumption items. To know more, see Component lines of the assembly order. 

Component lines of the assembly order 

Manually adding the component line to the assembly order 

When the selected item in the assembly order line has no BOM setup, the component line is not created automatically by refreshing the order via the Refresh Lines action. 

You can manually add component lines. The lot attributes and their values linked to the selected item are displayed from the item lot attribute setup on this page. These values are synchronized with the Lot Attribute Requirements FactBox. 

The Lot Attribute Requirements FactBox act as a filter for allocating lot numbers via the item tracking lines. This ensures that you can only select lot numbers that correspond to the requirements. 

After the lot number is assigned to the assembly order(component) lines, you cannot change the registered lot attribute values. Otherwise, you’ll get an error. 

To learn what actions can be performed in the Lot Attribute Requirements FactBox, see Lot Attribute Requirements. 


If the Quantity per field value is 0, the system displays a confirmation message while processing. If you select Yes, the line with zero quantity will be deleted. If you select No, the line will remain in the assembly order, allowing you to enter the quantity. 

Automatically created component lines on the assembly order 

When the selected item in the assembly order line has its BOM setup, the component line is created automatically after the Quantity field is filled or by refreshing the order via the Refresh Lines action while modifying the Quantity field value. 

The system creates component lines when the action is executed, and the global lot attribute values are populated from the assembly BOM line. These values are synchronized with the Lot Attribute Requirements FactBox. 


If you try to add/modify the attribute values after assigning the lot, you will receive an error. 

Output of the assembly order 

When an item is selected on the header, the Advanced Attributes group fields are automatically filled with the global lot attribute fields and values for the output from the Advanced Attribute Setup page. These values are synchronized with the Lot Attributes FactBox.
This FactBox displays both the global and non-global lot attributes, and their values defined for the output item.
When you add/change the attribute value on the header, you will receive a notification. When you add/change the values in the Lot Attributes FactBox, that does not match with the values in the header, you will receive an error.  


You cannot modify the attribute values in the FactBoxes when the Aptean Advanced Lot Attributes extension is installed and when the Strict Use of Lot Attribute toggle on the Advanced Lot Attribute Setup page is turned on. 

Visibility of lot attribute values on the posted assembly order 

On the Posted Assembly Order page, you can view lot attributes and their values for the lot numbers posted as consumption or output in the associated assembly order. 

  • Lot Attribute Values on Consumption: Select this action to view the lot attributes and their values for the lot numbers posted as consumption. 

  • Lot Attribute Values on Output: Select this action to view the lot attributes and their values for the lot numbers posted as output. 

  • Posted Lot Attributes Requirements: Select this action to view the lot attributes and their values for the selected line item. 

You can select the Undo Assembly action on the Posted Assembly Order page to navigate back to the related assembly order where you are allowed to make any necessary changes to the lot and its attribute values, if required. 

For full posting: When an assembly order is posted with full quantities and a lot with its attribute values is assigned, executing the Undo Assembly action on the posted assembly order removes the lot and its attributes from the related assembly order.

For partial posting: When an assembly order is posted with partial quantities and a lot with its attribute values is assigned, executing the Undo Assembly action on the posted assembly order keeps the lot and its attributes in the related assembly order, allowing you to modify the values as needed.