Posting shipment directly from the transfer order

Article05/08/20231 min read

When you select the item in the transfer order, the global lot attribute values are inherited from the transfer order line to the Lot attribute requirement table, whereas the non-global lot attribute values are inherited from the item template.

The Lot Attribute Requirement values act as a filter when assigning the lot numbers for the shipment of the transfer lines.

The lot numbers are assigned based on the lot attribute values entered in the Lot Attribute Requirements table. When these values match the attribute values for one or more lot numbers, those lot numbers are shown for the user to select.


The lot attribute value in the document line or the Lot Attribute Requirement table cannot be changed after the assignment of lot numbers.

When a transfer order is created for the shipment to the customer, you can post the shipment of the transfer order. While posting, the registered global lot attribute values are inherited from the Transfer Order line to the Posted Transfer Shipment line.