Lot attribute inheritance for production

Article03/06/20243 min read

You can use the Inheritable feature to update the Lot Attributes values for the output items based on the Inheritable status. This functionality enables the creation of a production document by directly updating inheritable attributes on the Assigned Lots within the product output process. Both the inheritable and inherited attributes of the component and output are non-editable.

Inherited lot value in output

Before updating the output with inherited values, you must perform the following prerequisites:

  • On the Lot Attribute page, turn on the Inheritable toggle to enable the inheritance functionality for the Lot Attributes.
  • On the Item Card page, on the Lot Attribute Template list page, select the attributes to be inherited for components during production.

When you set the attribute values on the Lot Attribute Template page of the components’ Item Cards, the values are inherited in the Output Item lines on the Released Production Order page, based on the following inheritable status:

  • If the Lot Attribute value is fixed and marked as inheritable for the component, the output item will reflect the inherited value. The Inherited checkbox on the Lot Attribute FactBox will be selected.
  • If there are two component items with the same fixed value for an Attribute and the Inheritable checkbox is selected for only one, the output item will reflect the inherited value. The Inherited checkbox on the Lot Attribute FactBox will be selected.
  • If two component items have different fixed values for the same Attribute and the Inheritable checkbox is selected for both, the output item will not display any inherited value. The Inherited checkbox on the Lot Attribute FactBox will not be selected.

The Inherited checkbox on the Lot Attribute FactBox is not editable.


When the output item has a fixed value for an attribute, the value will be considered during the production process and the Inherited checkbox will remain unselected on the Lot Attribute FactBox, on the Released Production Order page.

Follow the below steps to identify the Lots and the attribute predecessors that were consumed for the output:

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Lot No. Information List, and then choose the related link.
    The Predecessor checkbox will be selected by default for Lot No. generated in the production process when the corresponding Predecessor lot is filled. You cannot change or edit the value in the checkbox.
  2. Select the Lot No.
    The Lot No. Information Card page opens.
  3. On the Predecessors Lots FastTab, check lot numbers and values of lot attributes consumed during the production process.
    Additionally, you can view the Attributes and their Values on the Predecessor Lot Attributes FactBox. These values are inherited from Component lines to the Lot information. You can update the values in the FactBox, except for the Fixed Values.

These functionalities are not available in the Aptean Shop Floor Production extension.