Item attributes on the item card

Article07/25/20242 min read

Whenever a new item is created, it is assigned a specific item category code. Functionality in this extension allows to link predefined lot attributes and the lot attribute values on the Lot Attribute Templates page to the item category code. When the item category code is assigned to the item, lot attributes that are setup at the item category code level are automatically applied to the Item Lot Attribute Template table. The lot attributes are inherited from this table for each lot number created for the Item. For more information, see [here](Set up an attribute template specific item


Once the lot attributes have been linked to item categories, they can no longer be renamed, changed, or blocked.

Copy lot attributes to item

The registered lot attributes and their values are copied to the Item Card after a specific item category code is assigned to an item. Based on the item lot attributes of the selected Item on the Item Card page, the lot attributes and their values are copied and shown in the Lot Attribute Template table.

Synchronize lot attributes to item

When you change or add the item category lot attributes in the Lot Attribute Template table, the lot attributes and lot attribute values of associated items are synchronized with the item category lot attributes. A notification triggers stating that the item category is linked to one or more items and the changes will be applied to the corresponding items.

If the lot attribute of the corresponding item category has a fixed value, you cannot change or delete the value. However, you can add new lot attributes to the table.


The Advanced Attributes extension does not allow you to change or delete a category code for a specific item when an open item ledger entries exist, because the setup of the lot attributes with fixed/allowed values is linked to the item category code.


If Aptean Advanced Pricing is installed, and an item with assigned lot attributes is included in a pricelist, it is not possible to change a lot attribute value in the Lot Attribute Template table on the Item Card page. To make changes, you need to set the Status to Draft for all price lists containing this item.