Global lot attribute values on the warehouse document

Article06/28/20235 min read

The warehouse receipt and warehouse shipment can be created directly from the purchase order and sales return order and the lot attribute values are inherited.

Create a warehouse receipt

The Global Lot Attributes Values are inherited from the source documents such as a purchase order, sales return order, or transfer order line to the warehouse receipt line.

It is possible to change to a value different from the value on the source documents unless these are fixed values. However, when the changed value does not matchthe value on the lot level, a notification appears.

On assignment of a new lot number, the Global Lot Attribute Values are inherited from the warehouse receipt line to the lot level. The purchase order line isn’t considered here.

It is also possible to reuse a previously created lot number for the item, for more details, see here. Based on the Global Lot Attribute Values on the warehouse receipt line, the system filters the lot numbers and shows only those lot numbers which have matching values.

An error occurs, while entering the non-matching values to an existing lot number.

Create a warehouse shipment

While creating warehouse shipments directly from the source document, such as a sales order, purchase return order, or transfer order, the global lot attribute values are inherited from the source document line to the warehouse shipment line. A Lot Attribute Requirements FactBox on the Warehouse Shipment page shows the lot attributes and their values given to a selected item.

It is impossible to change global lot attributes given to an item on the warehouse shipment line unless a user does not have the required permission.


Even if you have the permission to change the registered global lot attributes, the attributes on the warehouse shipment for the source transfer document cannot be changed. The source transfer document must be shipped exactly as specified.

The Lot Attribute Requirements table values act as a filter for assigning lot numbers via the Item Tracking lines on the Warehouse Shipment page. This ensures that users can only select lot numbers that correspond to specified requirements.

Visibility of lot attribute values on the posted warehouse receipt

The global lot attributes are inherited from the source documents, such as a purchase order, sale return order, or transfer order line to the receipt line and from the warehouse receipt line to the posted warehouse receipt line, respectively.

The Lot Attribute Values per Transaction table displays all values including global lot attribute values and non-global lot attribute values.

To navigate to Lot Attribute Values per Transaction table:

  1. On the purchase receipt/transfer receipt line or posted warehouse receipt line, select the Lines FastTab.
  2. On the Line menu, select the Lot Attribute Values on Receipt.

Visibility of lot attribute values on the posted warehouse shipment

The global lot attributes are inherited from the source document, such as a sales order, purchase return order, or transfer order line to the shipment line and from the warehouse shipment line to the posted warehouse shipment line, respectively.

While posting the warehouse shipment the lot attributes and their values are copied from the Lot Attribute Requirements table to the Posted Lot Attributes Requirements table.

The Lot Attribute per Transaction table displays all values including global lot attribute values and non-global lot attribute values.

To navigate to Lot Attribute per Transaction table:

  1. On the sales/transfer shipment line or posted warehouse shipment line, select the Lines FastTab.
  2. On the Line menu, select the Lot Attribute Value on Shipment.

Synchronization the global lot attribute values on the sales order

Changing the global lot attribute values on the sales order line updates the sales order line and synchronizes the corresponding changes in the Lot Attribute Requirement table; similarly, changing the global lot attribute values in the Lot Attribute Requirements table synchronizes the corresponding changes in the sales order line.

After creating the Warehouse Shipment via Sales Order, if you change the global lot attribute values in the Lot Attribute Requirements table on the Warehouse Shipment page, the changes are synchronized on the Warehouse Shipment line level and the Sales Order page.

  • If the lot number is assigned to a specific order, you cannot change the lot attribute and its values.
  • You can only make changes on the Warehouse Shipment page if you have the required permission.
  • The changes made on the Warehouse Shipment page will synchronize with the sales order when it is in the ‘Open’ status. Otherwise, the changed values cannot be synchronized with the sales order.

Visibility of lot attributes and their values on the item ledger

On the Item Ledger Entries page, on the action bar, select Related > Entry > Item Lot Attributes Values Per Transaction.

The Item Ledger entry is created whenever an item is transacted. You can use the Lot Attribute per Transaction table to view the registered lot attributes and their values for the lot number assigned to the transaction.

To view the Lot Attribute per Transaction table, press Ctrl + L.


The Lot Attribute per Transaction table only displays the lot attribute details for the Purchase, Sale, Output, and Consumption transactions.