Copy document

Article08/09/20234 min read

In Dynamics 365 Business Central, the Copy Document feature makes it possible to create a new incoming or outgoing document by copying the existing document line along with the global lot attributes. This is especially useful when the values of the registered global attributes on the source document line are re-used for a newly created document.

To copy a purchase document with global lot attribute values

The following procedure describes how to copy the purchase order and create a new purchase invoice. It works in a similar way for all the other incoming purchase documents.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Purchase Invoices, and then choose the related link.
    The Purchase Invoices page opens.

  2. On the action bar, select New.
    The Purchase Invoice page opens.

  3. Select or enter the Vendor Name.

  4. Select Actions > Functions > Other > Copy Document.

  5. Select Document type, for example, Order.

  6. Select the Document No. to copy from (it can be from any vendor).

  7. Turn the Include header toggle off.

  8. Turn the Recalculate Lines toggle on.
    This button can be turned on or off. However, it has no impact on copying the global lot attribute values to new purchase destination documents.

  9. Select OK.
    The following scenarios are possible by using the copy document function on the purchase document:

    1. From incoming to incoming - Only global lot attribute values are copied from the source line to the target line.
    2. From outgoing to incoming - Only global lot attribute values are copied from the source line to the target line.
    3. From outgoing to outgoing - First, the Lot Attribute Requirements FactBox is filled based on the item template. Afterwards, the global lot attributes are copied from the source line to the target line, which will be updated in the Lot Attribute Requirements FactBox.

    From incoming to outgoing - There are two possibilities.

    • Option 1: Lot number is not copied to outgoing document. First, the Lot Attribute Requirements FactBox is filled based on the item template. Afterwards, the global lot attributes are copied from the source line to the target line, which will be updated in the Lot Attribute Requirements FactBox.
    • Option 2: The lot number is copied from the source document to the Item tracking lines of the outgoing document. The Lot Attribute Requirements FactBox is filled with the lot attribute values that were stored on the source document. The system then assigns a lot number using the current lot attribute values and displays these values in the target line, in the Lot Attribute Requirements FactBox.

    In case multiple lot numbers are copied, only values that match the lot numbers are applied.

To copy a sales document with global lot attribute values

The following procedure describes how to copy the purchase order and create a new purchase Invoice. It works in a similar way for all the other outgoing sales documents.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Invoices, and then choose the related link.
    The Sales Invoices page opens.
  2. On the action bar, select New.
    The Sales Invoice page opens.
  3. Select or enter the Customer Name.
  4. Select Actions > Functions > Other > Copy Document.
  5. Select Document type, for example, Order.
  6. Select the Document No. to copy from (it can be from any customer).
  7. Turn the Include header toggle off.
  8. Turn the Recalculate Lines toggle on.
    This button can be turned on or off. However, it has no impact on copying the global lot attribute values to new purchase destination documents.
  9. Select OK.

The following scenarios are possible by using the copy document function on the purchase document:

  1. From outgoing to outgoing - First, the Lot Attribute Requirements FactBox is filled based on the item template. Afterwards, the global lot attributes are copied from the source line to the target line, which will be updated in the Lot Attribute Requirements FactBox.
  2. From outgoing to incoming :- there are two possibilities.
    Option A: Lot number is not copied to the incoming document
    The global lot attribute values on the source line are copied to the global lot attribute values on the target line.
    Option B: Lot number is copied to the incoming document
    • First, the system will copy the lot number from the original receipt to the tracking line of the outgoing document.
    • If there is no inventory in stock of the lot number copied, the system will use the global lot attribute values as they were at the point of shipment and use these to update the global lot attribute values on the incoming document line.
    • If there is inventory in stock of the lot number copied, the system will use the current lot attribute values and use these to update the global lot attribute values on the incoming document line.
  3. From incoming to incoming - Only global lot attribute values are copied from the source line to the target line.
  4. From incoming to outgoing - Only global lot attribute values are copied from the source line to the target line.