Component lines of the production order

Article06/28/20232 min read

Manually adding the component line to the production order

When the selected item in the production order line has no BOM setup, the component line is not created automatically by refreshing the production order via the Refresh Production Order function.

You can manually add component lines on the Prod. Order Components page. The lot attributes and their values linked to the selected output item are displayed on this page. These values are synchronized with the Lot Attribute Requirements table.

The Lot Attribute Requirements act as a filter for allocating lot numbers via the Item Tracking Lines. This ensures that users can only select lot numbers that correspond to the requirements.

After the lot number is assigned to the production order(component) lines, you cannot change the registered lot attribute values. Otherwise, you’ll get an error.

To learn what actions can be performed in the Lot Attribute Requirements table. See Lot Attribute Requirements.


On the Finished Production Order page, you cannot change the value of the global lot attributes.

Automatically created component lines on the production order

When the selected item in the production order line has its BOM setup, the component line is created automatically by refreshing the production order via the Refresh Production Order function.

The system creates component lines when the function is executed, and the global lot attribute values are populated from the production order BOM. These values are synchronized with the Lot Attribute Requirements table.