To outgoing sales document line

Article01/16/20245 min read

The sales document line displays the global lot attribute values based on the Item lot attributes of the selected Item. This applies to the following sales documents:

  • Sales Order
  • Sales Blanket Order
  • Sales Quote
  • Sales Invoice

The lot attribute values of an item, when selected in a document line, are displayed if it is a fixed value. This value can’t be changed.

For values that aren’t fixed, there is the possibility to select a value from the list of options available or manually enter a value, depending on the field. These fields can also be left blank to be filled during the shipment of the actual items or kept empty till the end of the sales process, if not mandatory. In summary, the following scenarios exist:

  • Global Lot Attribute is defined with a fixed value on the item template. The field is filled in the document line and cannot be changed.
  • Global Lot Attribute is defined with allowed values on the item template. The field is initially blank and can be changed to any of the allowed values.
  • Global Lot Attribute is not defined on the item template. The field is initially blank and can be changed to any value defined for the lot attribute. Here, the item template is not considered.

When defining the global lot attributes for the selected item on the line, their values are inherited to the Lot Attribute Requirements table. Whereas the non-global lot attribute values are inherited from the Item template to the Lot Attribute Requirements table.

The following changes are possible on the Lot Attribute Requirements table:

  • Change the lot attribute values unless the lot attributes have fixed values.
  • Add lot attributes.
  • Delete lot attributes if and only if the lot attributes are not set up in the item template. For more information, see Editable FactBox.

The values in the Lot Attribute Requirements table act as a filter for allocating lot numbers via the Item Tracking Lines of sales documents. This ensures that users can only select lot numbers that correspond to the sales order requirements.

When you specify allowed values for global and non-global lot attributes in the Lot Attribute Requirement table of the Sales Order, the Item Tracking Summary page will display lots with the specified attributes. Alternatively, if no values are specified, the Item Tracking Summary page will show lots that match with one or none of these lot attribute values. Within the Item Tracking Summary page, you can delete the lot attribute filter, enabling the display of all lots. This action allows you to view and select lots based on the required Global Attribute Values and/or fixed values criteria.

After assigning the lot number, modifications are not acceptable in the sales document line and the Lot Attribute Requirements table. If you try to change the requirement, it will throw an error message.

Creating an incoming sales document

Execution of the function works in a similar way as creating an outgoing purchase document as described here.

When creating the sales return order for the item. The global and non-global lot attributes of the selected lot numbers are also stored in the Lot Attribute per transaction table.

The system checks if the current lot attributes are the same as when they shipped; If the conditions are evaluated to false, you receive a notification: Current lot attribute values of lot number are different from when the lot was shipped.


The global lot attribute values are updated on the document line and in the FactBox on that page. Whereas the non-global lot attribute values are updated only in the FactBox on that page. For more information, see here.

Based on the inventory, the global and non-global lot attribute values get updated:

  • If there is inventory for the lot number, the current global and non-global lot attribute values are updated to the sales return order.
  • If there is no inventory for the lot number, the system will duplicate the lot attribute values from the Lot Attribute per Transaction table as they were at the time of shipment; after that, these global and non-global lot attribute values are updated to the sales return order.

After the assignment of lot numbers, if you try to change any of the global lot attribute values on the sales document line or the lot level, an error message occurs.

Visibility of lot attributes on the posted documents

When a shipment is posted directly from the Sales Order, the system creates a Posted Sale Shipments document. You can see all the registered global lot attributes with their values on the posted sales shipment lines. These corresponding entries are directly inherited from the sales lines.

As described in Assign lot attributes, lot attribute requirements are defined by the global and non-global lot attribute values from the item template or manually set by user. The Posted Lot Attribute Requirements table is accessible via the Posted Sales Shipment page.

The global and non-global lot attributes and their values are stored in the Lot Attributes per Transaction table for each lot number that was shipped.

To navigate to Lot Attribute per Transaction table:

  1. On the Posted Sales Shipment line, select the Lines FastTab.
  2. On the Line menu, select the Lot Attribute Values on Shipment function.

The Lot Attributes per Transaction table does not save lot attributes that have no value.

Manually creating incoming sales document lines

When manually creating the incoming sales document, the created document line displays the global lot attribute values based on the Item lot attributes of the item selected by the user. This applies to the following incoming sales documents: Sales Return Order and Sales Credit Memo.

After assigning the lot numbers, if you try to change any of the global lot attribute values on the incoming sales document line, an error message occurs. To resolve this contradiction, the lot attribute values of the assigned lot number must be changed to the same value as on the document line.