To incoming purchase document lines

Article08/21/20246 min read

The purchase document line displays the global lot attribute values based on the item lot attributes of the selected Item. This applies to the following incoming purchase documents:

  • Purchase Order
  • Blanket Purchase Order
  • Purchase Quote
  • Purchase Invoice

The lot attribute values of an item, when selected in a document line, are displayed if they are fixed values. These values can’t be changed.

For values that aren’t fixed, you can select a value from the list of options available or manually enter a value, depending on the field. These fields can also be left blank to be filled during the receipt of the actual items or kept empty till the end of the purchase process, if not mandatory. In summary, the following scenarios exist:

  • Global lot attribute is defined with a fixed value on the item template. The field is filled in the document line and cannot be changed.
  • Global lot attribute is defined with allowed values on the item template. The field is initially blank and can be changed to any of the allowed values.
  • Global lot attribute is not defined on the item template. The field is initially blank and can be changed to any value defined for the lot attribute. Here, the item template is not considered.

While assigning lot numbers to the purchase line, the Global Lot Attribute values are inherited from the purchase line to the lot numbers. The non-global lot attribute values get inherited from the item template to the lot numbers.

The following changes are possible on the Lot Attributes page:

  • Change the lot attribute values, unless the lot attributes have fixed values.
  • Add lot attributes.
  • Delete lot attributes, if and only if the lot attributes are not set up in the item template.

The changes made on the lot level are not synchronized with the document line.

Editable FactBox

The global lot attributes are registered on the document line, and several non-global lot attributes can be inherited from the Item Lot Attribute Template page.

The Lot Attributes FactBox is available for the following documents:

  • Purchase (Order and Invoice)
  • Sales (Return Order and Credit Memo)
  • Warehouse Receipt
  • Production order status (Simulated, Planned, Firm Planned, Released, Finished) – Output line.
  • Assembly order

This FactBox displays the lot attributes belonging to the line. These values are editable.

After assigning a lot number via the Item Tracking Lines page, the global and non-global lot attributes with their values are inherited to the created lot numbers. The lot attribute value information appears in the FactBox on the respective documents. These values can be quickly accessed using the shortcut key Ctrl + L to alter, expand, or delete.

To edit lot attributes in the FactBox

The following procedure describes how to edit the lot attribute values in the Lot Attributes FactBox on the purchase order. You can follow a similar procedure for editing the global and non-global lot attributes for the documents listed in the previous topic.

  1. Navigate to the Item Tracking Lines page from the Purchase Order page.

  2. On the action bar, select Process > Assign Lot No.
    After assigning the lot number, all the registered global lot attribute values and non-global lot attributes values are displayed in the FactBox on the Item Tracking Lines page.

  3. Close the Item Tracking Lines page.
    On the purchase order FactBox, the user can see all the registered global and non-global lot attribute values.


    In FactBox, the non-global attributes appear first, followed by global attributes. The non-global lot attributes of type ‘Option’ are only shown when values are present. Global lot attributes are shown in alphabetical order, even if they do not have any value.

  4. In the Factbox pane, select Lot Attribute > Edit. Alternatively, use Ctrl + L shortcut key.

  5. On the Lot Attributes Values page, the user can edit and update the lot attribute values.

If the lot attribute values are the same across a lot, the lot numbers related to the purchase line are displayed with their respective values; however, if the values are different or any of the values are left blank, the text ‘Multiple’ is displayed. A blank entry also counts as a value in this case.

  • If the Lot Attribute values are defined as fixed, they cannot be deleted.
  • If the Item Lot Attributes Template page defines the lot attributes values, they cannot be deleted.
  • The lot attributes and their values can only be deleted if they were manually added.

You can follow a similar procedure for editing the global and non-global lot attributes in the FactBox on the Warehouse Receipt page.

Manually creating the outgoing purchase document line

When manually creating the outgoing purchase document (Purchase Return Order or Purchase Credit Memo), the global lot attribute values are filled in the document line by selecting the Item number. These values are synchronized to the Lot Attribute Requirements table and vice versa.

The non-global lot attribute values are synced to the Lot Attribute Requirements table from the item template.

The Lot Attribute Requirement values act as a filter when lot numbers are assigned to the document, before shipping happens. To an extent, lot attribute requirements can be changed by the user.

In the Lot Attribute Requirements table, the following scenarios apply:

  • Lot attribute value cannot be changed if it is a fixed value.
  • Lot attribute value can be changed to any value when no value is set up for this attribute and item.
  • Lot attribute values can be changed to any of the allowed values that are set up for the attribute and item.

The following actions are possible:

  • Delete lot attribute if it isn’t defined in the item template.
  • Delete lot attribute value if it isn’t a fixed value.
  • Add a lot attribute if it isn’t already set up.

Assignment of lot numbers is done based on the lot attribute values entered in the Lot Attribute Requirements table. When these values match with the attribute values for one or more lot numbers, those lot numbers are shown for the user to select.


The lot attribute value in the document line or in the Lot Attribute Requirement table cannot be changed after the assignment of lot numbers.

Creating an outgoing purchase document

In the above section, the manual addition of global lot attribute values as described. It is also possible to select them by using the function Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse.

When the function is executed, the Item tracking lines are filled with the lot numbers from the selected document. Then, the global lot attributes on the document line are updated with the lot attribute values from the selected lot numbers. If multiple item tracking lines are created by the function, the system only inherits those lot attribute values that are identical for all lot numbers to the document line. After updating the purchase return order line, the global and non-global lot attributes of the selected lot number(s) are also inserted into the Lot Attribute Requirements table.


It is not possible to change the lot attribute value once a lot number is assigned for the selected document line.

Visibility of lot attribute values on the posted purchase receipt

On posting the receipt from a purchase order, the global lot attributes are inherited to the posted receipt line from the purchase order line.

In the Posted Lot Attributes Value table, all global and non-global lot attributes except the ones that don’t contain any value are visible.

The Lot Attribute per Transaction table displays all values including global lot attribute values and non-global lot attribute values.