
Article • 3 min read

All historical documents related to inventory activity can accessed from the Ship History menu, which is accessed by clicking Departments > Ship > History.

Historical documents are available for both standard Business Central records such as sales orders and warehouse shipments, as well as features that are unique to the Aptean Pack and Ship solution such as packages and shipping batches. You can select any of these menu options to view the corresponding historical records.

Document Tracking

As a company records more and more shipments, the number of historical records will grow, making it more difficult to obtain insight into the packages that are related to a particular activity. To assist the user in this process, the Document Tracking page was developed. This page allows the user to specify a type of document or even a particular document number, and the program will present any packages or other documents that are related to these values.

The Document tracking page can be accessed from the Ship History menu by clicking Document Tracking.

When it is initially opened, the Document Tracking page is blank. To view documents, you must assign filter values:

Fill in the fields as follows:

The area beneath the filter fields is a display of the documents that fit the criteria established by filters. If a document tracking type code filter has been entered, all documents to which that code applies will be presented. If a document number filter has been entered, only the specific document or documents will be presented.

In addition to the documents themselves, the Document Tracking page presents any package records that are related to each displayed document. Package records are identified as “Packaging” followed by the record’s currently status in parentheses. For example, a package with a status of Ready for Shipping would be presented as “Packaging (Ready for Shipping)” on its document tracking line.

The Document Exists field indicates whether the document on the line still exists as a record within the program. A document tracking entry is created for each document or package record at the time of its creation. If the record is deleted from Business Central at some point, its document tracking entry remains, but the Document Exists field is unchecked. This may provide insight into a particular document number that is no longer obtainable as a record in Business Central.

For both documents and their related packages, basic information regarding their creation is included. If a document exists, you can be open it by choosing the relevant line, then clicking the Process group, selecting the Show option. It is also possible to run Business Central’s standard Navigate function against a document by clicking the Process group, selecting the Navigate option. Navigating on a document will instruct the program to display other types of records and entries that are related to it.

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