Default Billing Rules

Article • 7 min read

It is possible to define billing rules for various charges that are incurred as part of the shipping process. These rules can be assigned to different types of record, such shipping agent or customer. When a shipment is processed, the program will determine if any billing rules are associated to the activity, and, if there are, calculate charges based on their setup.

Default billing rules are set up on the Shipping Billing Rules page. This page can be accessed in a number of different ways:

In addition, this page can be accessed from either the Customer card (by clicking the Navigate tab and, in Customer group, selecting the Shipping Billing Rules option) or Shipping Agent card (by clicking the Navigate tab and, in General group, selecting the Default Billing Rules option). Accessing the Shipping Billing Rules page in this manner will cause the program to automatically filter the page to display billing rules that are specific to the customer or shipping agent from which it was opened.

If a shipping charge is calculated for a sales order for which no associated billing rules exist, the program will not be able to create new freight lines on the order. It is recommended that at least one default billing rule record be set up that can be applied globally to all documents, ensuring that new freight lines can always be assigned to sales orders.

Each billing rule you want to set up is entered on a separate line. You can also define a billing rule on the Shipping Billing Rule card, which is accessed by clicking the Home tab and, in the Manage group, selecting the Edit option.

Fill in the fields as follows:

Freight Charges

A separate group of fields allows for the definition of a freight charge:

If freight will be included as part of the billing rule, fill in the fields as follows:

Handling Charges

A separate group of fields allows for the definition of a handling charge:

If freight will be included as part of the billing rule, fill in the fields as follows:

If a freight charge and handling charge are both being set up for a billing rule, you can place a check mark in the Combine Freight & Handling field to instruct the program to consolidate both charges into a single value. A single line that represents both values will be added to outbound shipments to which the billing rule is applied. If this field is left unchecked, separate lines for freight and handling charges will be added to these documents. Please note that the description of these combined lines will be copied from the billing rule’s freight description.

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